The purpose of this website is to provide resources and ideas for growing in who you are in Christ. If you're a believer and have received Jesus Christ as Lord, He now resides in you. This website is not exhaustive in any way and will also provide an opportunity for people to put their faith in action by being doers of the word and not hearers only (James 1:22). Also looking to motivate one another to acts of love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).
Weekly Growing with God Ideas for action - this will be updated regularly.
Here are some ideas on how to share your love of God with others -please contact us if your have any questions or additional ideas for us to add!
-Smile and go out of your way to hold the door open for someone!
-Buy someone coffee and give a compliment on something they are wearing.
-Look to bless someone with a random gift that you own. Give something away to a friend or family member. Ask the Holy Spirit for ideas.
-Pay it forward this week. Pay some $ for the coffee or food for the car behind you in the drive-thru with a note from the heart of God for them. - Sometimes a note is not an option.
-Ask the Lord to highlight someone to you and then go tell them that the Lord highlighted them and you would like to see if you can pray for them for anything in particular.
-Pray before going in to a store and ask the Lord for details on someone He would have you to love on. When you find the person, share the love of God with them (His kindness leads to repentance - not instilling fear of destruction).
Before you pray for someone's healing this week ask Holy Spirit how you should do it.
See other examples provided on Love in Action page