
Here is a list of testimonies of what has happened over the various months of what the body of Christ is seeing take place. I don't post everything, but share what I sense might be best for people to learn and grow from. This is all meant to exalt Jesus Christ. Bless you all!

November Testimonies

General Testimony:
As time progresses and I pray for more people, I am surprised when the person receiving prayer does NOT experience something – a change of pain level, full healing/miracle, heart moved, peace, some type of sensation, etc. I typically ask people if they notice a difference before and after prayer, but not all the time – it depends on the situation for which I am praying, but today made me think I should ask more often to get a gauge for what might be going on and whether I should pray more fervently in to a specific area. Today I was praying for a co-worker about a number of things and from my heart I prayed and acknowledged that the Lord was present and invited Him to touch my co-worker’s heart so that they would know His love in a special way. At the end of the call she was clearly calmer than when I first started praying and said how the top of her head and hands were tingling and she was giggling a bit. I thanked the Lord for what He was doing and told her thank you for letting me pray and to have a good night. I will follow back up to see what may have continued to take place, but it was another great reminder to ask people if they notice anything different and just open up dialogue. Jesus reigns! Glory to the King of Kings!

11/25/17 Saturday – Downtown prayed for many people – provision in their life, for friends and family and safe travels for one man. Prayed for a woman we regularly see downtown and her right leg grew out (I took a photo of the difference – will post soon; the leg still looked like it was not entirely even but she did not want us to lift her legs up anymore after we prayed some more). She also sensed the presence of God upon her as we prayed (heat and tingling accompanied by ease of pain in her arm and upper back). More to work with her on in the future – a lot going on outside of just the physical ailments which are rooted elsewhere.

11/21/17 Tuesday- Friend texted a group of us to pray for pinched nerve. One over text rebuked the pain and I stood and declared healing over him and commanded muscles to be relaxed and spine to come in to alignment with nerves aligning back to proper operation. I could sense substance to the prayers (presence of the Lord powerfully) and he confirmed that he felt relieved and warmth and tingling all over his back. Pain was gone, as well! Glory to God!

11/18/17 Saturday: Gentleman I have prayed for before regarding lungs and nightmares. He reached out to me (11/14/17) to share testimony from time we prayed for his lungs. His breathing is vastly improved and he is able to breath better than he has for many years. Confirmed that the nightmares he used to have are gone for good. Praise Jesus!

Woman I have prayed for multiple times. We had prayed for her other foot last Friday on 11/10/17 and she randomly pinged me this week with before and after photos – all swelling gone! We had prayed for her other foot before and the swelling left and she sensed a strong presence of the Lord upon her then – the last time for the other foot she did not sense anything, but swelling and pain was removed. Looking forward to hearing about her kidney improvements – her kidneys were rated as working at 40% of what normal is and I have prayed with her multiple times on that. Praise the Lord!

Releasing the love of God on and over people – nothing is better! For those who are fellow believers, this is all for today – Jesus is alive and is clearly working in and through us in amazing ways.

Go walk in love and share Jesus, today!

11/13/17 Monday:
Prayed for multiple people on the streets this past weekend and some friends who have been having challenges with finding a home to live in. Seemed like a lot of the conversations were in regards to people finding a home to live in. Here is a breakdown of some of the areas that were prayed for:

Older woman – Prayed for housing provision and doors to be opened and confirmed on things some folks told her about. Also prayed for ‘brittle bones’ she said she had.

Younger woman – Just encouraged her as things have been on the up swing for her – found work and housing. Shared great God stories with her – it was an encouragement for us. Prayed for her back – had some stiffness and it loosened up after prayer.

Concert goers – A couple on the corner was looking for a concert and the woman’s leg was wrapped up. We prayed twice and she said she did not immediately notice a difference – we blessed them and went our own ways.

Struggling couple – Met up with the struggling couple I know who has been gradually moving off the streets. The husband had ear aches and it went away and he was healed after I prayed for him. There are other things we have been continuing to pray for – excited to see the changes God is helping them with and the hope they have through it all.

All the people I/we pray for have names. I do not place peoples names in here for their own privacy. If you ever have a desire to speak to anyone or have questions in general, please reach out.

October 2017 Testimonies

10/28/17 Saturday – [Went out with friends downtown and prayed for many – housing needs, financial provision, etc.. I did not write down all cases where we prayed for people – there were a lot. Here are notable cases where there was confirmed changes for physical issues:

– Gentleman with back and knee problems from when he was a firefighter. Back pain was a 4.5 and he said the pain was about gone after we prayed for him multiple times and laid hands on him. He could also feel the presence of the Lord while we prayed.

– Woman – Knee pain and general unrest. Experienced peace of God and His presence and pain left.

– Woman – Knee and ankle. I prayed for ankle and she felt warmth and tingling – presence of God and it felt better. Friend prayed for knee and the knee pain was all gone, too.

– Gentleman – Right forearm pain – tendon was damaged. I had sensation in my right arm before he said anything – he noticed difference and improvement – not 100% functionality yet.

10/22/17 Sunday – Prayed for gentleman at church (had to have a spanish translator). He was hit by car on his motorcycle – damage to neck, back, and arm. I could feel his back doing something when I prayed for him, but at the time he said he did not notice any differences. I prayed twice and blessed them when I left – I believe God is at work in healing him right now.

10/22/17 Sunday – Offered to pray for man limping at store and he declined. Blessed him and left.

10/20/17 Friday – Prayed for co-worker with breathing/lung problems. Call was quick, but in checking up he noticed a positive difference in breathing.

10/19/17 Thursday –Co-worker who had swollen feet had all swelling dissipate by next morning (wish I had pictures). So same person had all pain (pain of 4 out of 10) and swelling in feet leave.

10/19/17 Thursday - Another co-worker had breathing problems and back pain – prayed for both and back pain left (did not obtain details on numerical value of pain).

Go King Jesus!

10/17/17 Tuesday:

Prayed for multiple people today with varying things taking place:
1. Co worker pain and swelling in feet of 4, pain left and mobility returned – not fully yet.
2. Aunt going in for surgery tomorrow for back. She felt peace of God and could not testify to anything noticeable different in her body except peace from prayer.
Praise Jesus in both instances…God is indeed alive and at work! The invisible is present and impacts physical world in many tangible ways.

Emotional Healing (Some of this has been taken from Praying Medic’s Blog Post ).

Last night I had a call with a friend and I can testify that he stated he had a noticeable difference after going through the technique outlined below with me – anger was gone and other negative emotions were taken away by King Jesus. He did NOT go in to gory details about the event we walked through – he has lived with this in his mind for many years. I plan to use this more often as lead by the Lord. Here is what I did:

First I acknowledged that the Lord was present and I thanked Him for His presence. I blessed my friend and then moved to scriptural references on why we were going to proceed in the manner we were – here are the scriptures I went over:

Some Scriptures (many more out there on wholeness):
-We are a tri-part being – Spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
-Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7)
-For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)

Have the person:
Recall an event that brings up a negative emotion
Identify the negative emotions

Then have them repeat:
Say, ‘Jesus, I ask you to remove the feeling of “anger, rage, etc.” from me’
Say, ‘I ask you to heal the wound in my soul.’
Say, ‘I receive Your healing.’

Have them then recall the event again and ask if they still have that feeling (rage, anger, etc.). If the answer is no, you can work through that one event going through all the emotions until they ‘feel’ nothing – Jesus will take away the anger, hate, etc. You can give the person this method and tell them that they can use it for other emotional pain.

Let me know of any testimonies on this at

October 10, 2017 Tuesday:

The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.
–Romans 8:7 (If you’re looking at scripture from a fleshly perspective, it will never make sense. To heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. these make very little sense to the western mind – instead, pursue medicine or medicate the demonic…don’t lay hands on someone or declare freedom – this doesn’t make nay sense to the natural mind. How do you read scriptures, is God for you or against you? The scriptures have a lot to say on these topics, but usually our entire life experience does not align. When it does not align, why not? Who or what is the opposition?)

October 1, 2017 Sunday:

New Post – I have been posting confirmed miracles on the ‘Testimonies of Jesus Christ’ tab on this site, but since there are so many people that are prayed for that I cannot confirm, but can still be used to inspire others, I will begin posting those here, too.

First off this past week. Last Sunday September 24th, I personally tore a muscle in my left arm. I was able to move it, but by Monday my arm was immobile. I went to church Monday night and received prayer from a handful of people, but honestly did not notice a huge difference in mobility. I got home and asked my wife to pray for me and my mobility returned. My wife wrestles with a lot of this, but God’s honest truth, the mobility of my arm returned after she prayed. This was not accompanied with any sensations of warmth, tingling, or presence of any kind – mobility was just fully restored. Praise Jesus – same yesterday, today, and forever

Also, that Monday I went to Costco after church and while in line I asked the Lord for a word. I heard the name Sandra (which threw me off since my friend’s mom’s name is Sandra and we were praying for her the week before – she had a wild miracle in her own life) and leg and feet. So before I could get rung up, I saw the woman’s name tag and noticed it was not Sandra, but then a woman walked by and she said, ‘Hi Cassandra.’ so that sparked my interest. When I was getting rang up I asked her if she had any pain in her feet or legs – she said her legs and especially her hip. I asked her if I could pray for her and she looked at me and extended her hand, I prayed, asked her to check it and then another person in line came up. I blessed her and thanked her for letting me pray for her and told her Jesus loves her and left. The rest of the week was fairly quiet until Friday service at Pathway…more to follow on that.