2018 Testimonies

November 2018 Testimonies

11/13/18 Recent Testimonies

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ on high! Looks like I am dropping in here on a monthly basis to post testimonies – again, this is not all for the last month, but those which I feel the Lord has laid on my heart to post.

Last weekend downtown, our small team hit the streets to bless people and to bring the Lord glory. Since it was cold outside, not as many people were on the streets. However, we did pray and bless a host of people. Most notable to me was Sandra (note that I do change names at times). She had pain of 12 and said both her elbows and her left foot were the culprits, before we prayed for her. Myself and my prayer partner laid hands on her elbows and commanded all pain to leave. We asked her how she was doing and she said it was all gone except in her foot. So I prayed for her foot one time and she said she was just cold now and all the pain left! I was startled by how quickly it all took place – we must have been with her for less than 3 minutes total. All of us were blessed by the encounter.. and by the wounds of Jesus, people are still receiving their healing! Praise God!

Another interesting thing took place, too. While praying as a group in the evening before heading home, I received a vision from the Lord for one of the ladies who came there with her family. The vision had a picture of her face with the light of heaven shining down on her and quickly transitioned in to what looked like gold strings of light moving rapidly creating a bow on a gift. The Lord did not share any other details – I asked in my heart – and I sensed that I should share it with her and I did.

Last Sunday after church service I noticed 2 ladies (50-60 age range) walking up the stairs slowly. I asked them if they had any issues with their legs or were in pain. Annette said she was did not want me praying for healing since she believed she was already in the process of it, but did say she was struggling to hear God speak to her. So we agreed in prayer and asked the Lord to provide clarity for her in listening to Him. I told her to pay attention to visions, what other people are speaking to her, and obviously through the scriptures, as God speaks in many ways to us. The other woman Marci had pain in her knee and issues with her back. She was fine with me praying for her and the knee pain left after I prayed for her two times – I sensed heat on my hands when I did pray for her (which is a common manifestation of the presence of the Lord when praying for people). I also prayed for her back – she said the sheath to her spinal cord was thinning and she had a doctor appointment later that week, but did not notice any difference after prayer. I trust that the sheath is growing back, but cannot confirm it since I may not see her again on this side of heaven – they were visiting the church for a special evening service. As usual, it is always a HUGE blessing to everyone involved (myself and the people being prayed for) when doing the work of Father God. God is so glorious and He loves us so much.

October 2018 Testimonies

10/15/18 Testimonies and Catch Up

Howdy all! Been slacking on updating this on a regular basis – there is always a lot going on on just about a daily basis. God is alive and He is very much interested in all facets of your life! Here are some recent testimonies from the streets this past weekend – will post more soon:

Gay – She had back, ribs, kidney and general muscle pain. We prayed for infirmity and trauma to leave her and then prayed for healing. She said she felt outstanding and was visibly surprised at the results. Shared more on the love of Christ for her and blessed her and left.

Carl – Carl stated he had knee pain since he was a kid. At the point I ran in to him he said his knee pain was a 9 on a scale of 1-10. He was open to prayer and after 3 times of praying said the pain was gone. He stated he was a believer – we encouraged him to open his bible and to ask Holy Spirit to teach him.

Janine – Had foot pain, headache, and arthritis (arthritis was not causing problems when I was talking to her). Spoke about a lot of emotional wounds which I shared with her how Jesus also paid to heal the wounds of our soul (remember, we’re tri-part beings consisting of spirit, soul, and body) so led her through some prayers for inner healing and also commanded all pain in her feet and head to leave. She said she felt great after prayer and was encouraged – as was I!

Service Phone Call with Energy Company – While I was on hold, I asked the Lord if there was anything in particular that she was dealing with that I could pray for her on and the Lord stated ‘anxiety’ and ‘stomach issues’. When she returned to the call I asked her if she had any issues with either and she confirmed that she did in surprise. I prayed with her on the phone – I could sense the presence of the Lord when I did quite strongly. She was touched by the love of God and said that she is also a believer, but had to be cautious about phone discussions – which I understood.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ – He is the same yesterday, today, and forever – His mercy endures forever! Bless you all!

September 2018 Testimonies

9/10/18 Weekend Testimonies

The Lord is good and His love endures forever

Every day walking with the Lord is a fascinating one. From just sitting still resting in His finished work to hitting the streets and see God change peoples lives daily is amazing. So this past weekend was a lot of fun, per the normal. On some weekends a group of us go out with the specific purpose of reaching people for the kingdom – otherwise it is when shopping and so forth that I will encounter people

This past weekend downtown we witnessed a lot of amazing things take place. Here are some notables that I wanted to share (not lessening the other cases, but these were most dramatic at the time)

Ron – He was walking across the street towards us with a walker visibly wincing in pain. As he got closer we asked him what was going on. He stated that his hip was in severe pain. As he labored over the curb we asked if we could pray for him and he sat down and said yes. We asked what the pain was on a scale of 1-10 and he said 10 at least. I then asked if I could lay my hand on his hip and pray – he said yes and I commanded healing to his hip, tissues, muscles, ligaments and stated for pain, infirmity and trauma to leave. I did not sense anything in particular but asked him to check. His eyes got huge and he was overwhelmed with joy walking around. My friend asked if he had any more pain and he said a little and then she prayed for him once more time and it was all gone. He stated he is a believer but had never been healed like that himself and that brought a huge revelation to him of the scriptures. Praise the Lord – this was dramatic and fast! Praise Jesus by whose stripes we are healed!

Yolanda – She had pain in her hand (carpal tunnel) and knee. I prayed twice for her knee and she lit up and said it feels pretty good. Then asked for me to pray for her wrist, but did not want me to any more after praying twice. She said she believes she is healed – it seemed the knee ignited hope in her. We both were blessed by the interaction.

We prayed for a lot of people and saw a number of people delivered at varying degrees and touched by the love of God. I usually will write down what takes place but did not this time as we were praying for a lot of people and we had a larger group of people with us than what is usual – so more social interaction.

Great times and Jesus reigns – always!

August 2018 Testimonies

8/13/18 Testimonies

Testimonies from this past weekend – to God be the glory (much more has taken place this month – difficult to post this month; names changed to provide anonymity):

1.Prayed for Jay who had arms bandaged up after blood flow issues -doc had to cut his arms – after drug overdose and passing out on his arms. Prayed for his arms, and the pain left and mobility returned – his mind was blown. I looked at him and his girlfriend as the presence of God was thick and she was like it just warmed up over here – so I was asking the Lord for more – was so good!!!!

2.Mel- emotional healing, back pain, deliverance, bulging disk, cirrhosis of liver – the Lord totally rocked her. My prayer partner and I put our hands on her head and prayed peace and said nothing more and she exclaimed ‘something left , I feel so good’ we could have prayed more with her, but ran out of time. Sometimes deliverance takes place w/o commanding the junk to leave.

3.Prayed for a young man at a homeless shelter who had pain on his arm from a tattoo. He said this is weird, but there is no pain. Asked him what he believed, he was a Buddhist/Agnostic and I was like ‘dude, Jesus just took the pain away from your arm – then put my hand on his chest and asked the Lord to make Himself real in other ways the young man would know without doubt.’ He encountered the love of God in a powerful way.

July 2018 Testimonies

7/10/18 Testimonies

Jesus Christ be glorified and magnified, always!

Last few weeks have been a lot of fun, but more so in line with words of knowledge and prophetic instead of seeing a ton of healing and miracles of the physical sense.

Some recent notables

Went with friend of mine (RW) to meet up for coffee and to go pray for some folks. While we ended up praying for a few folks, we had the wonderful opportunity to have the Lord lead us to a mother with her kids (received words of: Green, saw a picture of a brunette hair woman with glasses – we also had knee which we did not see) and they were believers, but she said they did not have anything in specific she was asking for in prayer. So we spoke a blessing over the family and went on. Also asked if anyone in check out had any needs for prayer and got some strange looks, but no-one desired to receive prayer so we moved on after getting and paying for the food

A week ago I went to the store and while there prayed for a woman who was in a car accident – they were believers and while I could sense something taking place, she said she did not notice any changes at the time. I blessed them and left – prayed for her twice. After as I headed to go home, I sensed the Lord tell me to go to a nearby bus stop and pray for someone there – I had nothing more. So I drove by and saw a young kid who appeared rough around the edges. I started to pass by and the Lord prompted me again to go by there. So I did. I pulled in and told the young man why I was there and asked if there was anything I could pray for. He said life was hard but welcomed prayer. I don’t remember everything I said, but I did ask the Lord to touch him. After, I asked what was going on and he said ‘I feel lighter.’ and then he got a huge smile on his face and started shouting ‘That was awesome, thank you so much’ – I reminded him that Holy Spirit touched him and that he was loved by the Lord as he was jumping up and down. I got in to my car and left.

In the last instance I felt the Lord chime to my heart how that would have been a great opportunity to ask him to receive the Lord as Savior. More times than not time does not allow since it is a quick exchange and prayer for someone and then you’re gone. This was a valuable lesson for me.

Get out there and walk in who you are as a new creation – if you believe, Christ lives in you! WOW..God, you are a genius! Much love and bless Jesus Christ who makes this all possible.

June 2018 Testimonies

6/20/18 Testimonies from Power and Love
What a powerful weekend! Power and Love/Lifestyle Christianity came to Grand Rapids, MI this past Wed-Sat (June 13th-16th). My hope is that the changes in the hearts of God’s people remains and people continue to go forth and shine in the dark places and walk like the new creation beings they are. There were well over 20 people healed and touched in some way when I went out with people. Here are some of the major highlights from each day:

Wednesday 6/13/18:
This was an evening session and they had us grab someone who was near us who we didn’t know and asked one to be a receiver and one to be a giver. The receiver would receive the words that the other person sensed the Lord was sharing and the giver prayed and asked the Lord to reveal things about the person they could share – a great listening exercise! For me, I had a gentleman I prayed for and the Lord revealed ‘metal working’ and ‘workplace oppression’ – so I asked him if he worked in the metal industry and the company he worked for does do metal fabrication and he confirmed that it is difficult for him to walk in who he is there. So we prayed for breakthrough and heart change in his co-workers, but also strength when he is weak in the midst of the work environment. This is a great exercise to do with people and a good habit to get in to when ministering to people. Powerful time!

Thursday 6/14/18:
Thursday afternoon a group of 4 men total in my team went out and before we left I had a picture of a Mexican restaurant in specific pop up in my head. I asked the guys where they wanted to go and one fellow said Mexican. We also prayed for a description of someone and got ‘Orange shirt, female, and to tell her that the Lord is real’. When we went to the restaurant we didn’t see anyone who met this description, but ended up having a chance to pray for a woman outside when we were leaving – torn shoulder we prayed for twice. Short on time, we decided to head to the nearby Meijer – I had some stuff to pick up. While there we broke up in to groups. Dave and I walked around and found a woman to pray for in a mini-cart – Dave said he felt a strong sense of the Lord’s presence and I could see her eyes get wide. She did not want to get up and test and seemed rushed for us to leave – so we blessed her and left. As we were walking to checkout, a lady with an orange shirt crossed our path – I asked her to stop. I explained to her what we were doing and asked if we could pray for her. She said that was nice and that we could pray for her co-worker who was wrestling with cancer, so we did. Then I showed her my phone and I had forgotten I had written down that the Lord wanted it to tell her that He is real. Her eyes started watering and the presence of the Lord came upon her. Awesome time. The other guys prayed for some more people in the store and we did for another lady coming in who looked to be having a hard time, while we waited for them. Powerful and fun time!

Thursday night I went out to eat and to minister with my buddy and his family. We prayed for some words, but did not find the people who met the descriptions we got. At the restaurant when checking out, the waitress -Christina – asked us what we were up to. We shared with her about the conference and invited her to come and then asked if there was anything we could pray for her about – pain, family stuff, etc. She said she had a foot infection that was painful. So I asked my buddy’s nephew to pray and he did – she said the pain diminished but was still there – I asked if we could pray again and we did and the pain left – she could feel a lot of warmth where the infection was – usually the warmth and/or other sensations can commonly indicate the Lord is up to something. We also prayed for others this evening – it was a great time!

Friday 6/15/18:
Friday was amazing…I honestly cannot recall everything that happened as there was so much. Here are highlights:
-Made connection with new friend in Illinois – you know who you are, Nate!
-Group went to park and handed out water bottles to homeless
-Prayed for many – lady with foot pain left, man with back pain left, blessed many people
-Sold Craigslist item an prayed for man’s mouth
-Went to meijer and prayed for 3 people there

Saturday 6/16/18:
Saturday Lunch: A few of us went out after praying and getting the following words ‘green, glasses, brown hair, and home depot’ – we also got ‘skirt and leg boot (picture of the aircast)’ – skirt didn’t seem to land. When at home depot, we went to the restrooms and when I got out I pulled up my phone to see what we had written down. Up walked a woman with her husband and it was the exact things we had written down! The woman had a green shirt, glasses, and brown hair. I walked up to her and told her what we were doing and she sighed and said she did not want prayer. One of the ladies in my group said can we pray the Lord’s peace on you and then I started prophesying to her. I sensed the presence of God very strongly and her husband’s eyes got super wide. Shortly after they walked away and the lady I was with got the sense that there was a difficult pregnancy – maybe for the woman’s son/daughter since she was too old to have had children in birth herself. We ended up walking through the store and praying for a few other folks. Next we went to get some food and headed to Salvation Army. Through the store we approached people for prayer, but I was still looking for the aircast. As we were checking out, I noticed a woman walk in with an aircast! I quickly walked over to her and asked if I could pray – she said her pain was through the roof at a 20 on a scale of 1-10. I prayed 3 times and the swelling came down – she could feel the boot being loose and the pain came down to about a 4. The ladies dad came walking up – she was in her 30’s maybe – and I spoke to him while the one lady I was with prayed for her some more. The pain completely left. She did not take the boot off, but we told her to check it more when they left the store. We also blessed her whole family – boy and girls. Wonderful time!

Saturday Evening: Before going out, a group of us prayed for words of knowledge and one person said Big Boys and then a specific location popped up in my heart – when I said it, another gentleman said something rose up in him as a confirmation. So we headed to the Big Boy location. Once we got there, we saw a couple of homeless people crossing the street. We went up to them and asked if we could pray for them – they said yes. Between the 2 men the 4 of us were getting a lot of words for them from the Lord which we spoke and we also prayed for the back pain and spine issues with one gentleman to be made well – I could feel his back muscles convulsing a lot. While doing this, a woman walked up and asked if we needed water to give to the homeless men – we said yes. This began a conversation with her and she had a look of shock when we said we were Christians going out to love on people. She said she had wrestled with depression so we prayed for her and she sensed things lighten up (some deliverance taking place). We then began to ask if she knew the Lord and she did not, but wanted to receive Him. So we prayed with her to receive Jesus and you could see her countenance change and she sensed the presence of the Lord upon her. It was a powerful time.

The whole event was a blast and a wonderful opportunity to connect with others in the body of Christ. So many people were wrecked with the love of God. I am sure many books could be written based on what happened these days in Grand Rapids!

Saturday 6/9/18 Downtown:
Before going to the homeless shelter today, I prayed and asked the Lord to give me direction on some people to pray for. I don’t do this all the time, but saw a picture in my mind of the following:

Black woman in a long sleeved yellow jacket, and felt that I should go ask her what to pray for.. So I walk in the shelter and I don’t see anyone with along sleeved shirt or jacket, let alone it being yellow. It was warm outside and I didn’t see much reason in someone wearing a yellow jacket of any sort. Lo and behold after a bit of looking around, a woman meeting the description gets in line. I showed my friend the word I got and we proceeded to walk up. I normally might not have approached her – she looked busy on the phone and in good health. When I did, I simply showed her my phone description I wrote down and told her how I got the information. She started to tear up and said she had pain of a level 9 on her neck and had been in an accident years ago. So I prayed twice and all the pain left and she felt the presence of the Lord. I blessed her and left and spoke prophetic words like I normally do that the Lord loves her and knows her.

While we prayed for a host of people and saw pain run with many, there was another older woman who stood out to me – Deborah. She had pain of 12 on scale of 10 in her feet and asked for me to pray for her as we sat at a table and asked if we could pray for anyone. All her pain left after praying with her. I also prayed with her for her wayward son and some other various items.

Sunday 6/3/18:
This was another fun one. Went to visit a church I have been wanting to go to for a while and a friend and I finally made the time to go check it out. The night before I wrote down the picture of a person I saw when I asked the Lord for a picture of who I should specifically look for – remember, normally I pray when I see the need, but not all the time (need to improve on that). I’ve been asking more to grow in my walk with the Lord – hearing or seeing His voice. So the description I wrote down was.

Black Woman, wearing long white dress using a walker to get in to church – 70 or 80 age range – with pain in her lower back and legs. Also saw a white brimmed hat.

So we get in to the building and I see a large number of black women wearing white sitting in front. None had a white hat. So I thought this might be tough. Then at offering time one of the women grab a walker to get in line, so I said I am going to ask her. After service I did and I think she was a bit shocked and wanted to talk to the lead pastor. So I shared with them all what I had and they told her she had to make a choice to receive. So I prayed over her and she said she was grateful. I did not stop to do pain check or to pray multiple times, she stated that she believed (another note for readers that this is where you can be adamant about asking people to check to look for a change). We left and another adventure with the Lord in the books!

April 2018 Testimonies


Fun times with Holy Spirit the last few days!!! God is absolutely glorious, all the time!

Flew out for a work trip this past weekend and on the commuter van I had the same muslim driver who I had previously (month ago) received a word of knowledge on revealing pain in his neck and shoulder. He was not welcome to receive prayer then, so I shared that the Lord had loved him previously. So he picked me up again and I asked him how his back and neck were and he said painful and welcomed prayer. I was stepping out of the van and laid my hand on his neck and prayed for him and then left. I did not have a chance to ask him what happened…I hope to have the opportunity to, soon!

In addition, Monday a co-worker of mine messaged me that completing a task would take longer than normal since his vision was blurry. I asked why was his vision blurred and he said randomly it came on on Sunday. I asked him if we could pray and after 3 prayers of command, his vision returned to pre-blurry stage! In specific my prayer was for his heart, blood system, and any neurological sickness to be made well. Holy Spirit, blow! To Your glory King Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Father God – He is alive!!

On Easter Sunday I went downtown to visit a ministry for the homeless. They have a church service on Sundays. After the service there was a man who was intoxicated. I asked if he had any pain that he would like prayer for? He said yes, that his knees were really bothering him. On a scale of 1-10 he said his pain was at a 7. I took his hand and commanded healing and for the pain to go. As I was praying he was swaying and I wasn’t sure if it was because he was intoxicated or if it was the Holy Spirit. His knees were instantly healed and Holy Spirit sobered him up. He was overwhelmed and kept hugging me and telling me thank you. I told him it was Jesus that had healed him. He also kept saying, “I feel so good.”

March 2018 Testimonies

March 30, 2018

I was driving probably three miles further north when I saw another lady walking down the street using a cane. I parked and went up to her and told her, “I know this is a bit strange for a total stranger to approach you like this but I’m a minister and wondered if you need healing in your body or would like prayer for anything else?” She was very open and receptive as well and after praying for her twice all of her pain was gone. She also told me that she’s a Christian and that her husband had had a stroke. I then shared more of the Word with her to let her know that God could use her to lay hands on her husband and command healing the way that Jesus did. I gave her a hug and thanked her for letting me pray for her. When she walked away she had a smile on her face. Thank you Jesus!

What an amazing privilege it is to be used of the Lord. There’s so many hurting people out there who need Jesus. Some just need a word of encouragement or for someone to simply show that they care. There are many needs and many ways that the Lord wants to use all of us.

3/18/18 Sunday:
Did some exchanging of words of knowledge (WOK) with my friend again and went about morning observing if I could find anyone that met the various issues we came up with. No-one seemed to stand out at church so after as I was driving home, I saw a woman walking across the street moving really slowly. I kept driving and felt like the Lord was nudging me to turn around, so I did. As I pulled up I asked her if there was a reason she was walking real slow and asked if I could pray for her. She very much welcomed me praying for her and began to spout off a list of issues. One of the words I had was ribs and she had pain in her rib area – I prayed a couple times and her pain left. Her friend was in a wheelchair and she wanted to share what Jesus was doing and we prayed for her and her issues of blood. At the time I did not notice any physical difference but she sensed the peace of God, so I blessed her and she left. Jesus is alive – are we willing to step out and be uncomfortable to help others?

Father’s Love
Be built up by listening and reading the scriptures presented on the screen. When in doubt of the Father’s love – listen and read:

3/17/18 – Saturday
I went up to Walmart with my boys to pick some things up. When walking in an older woman offered her cart – she was parked in handicap. We got to talking and I asked her if she would like any prayer and I pointed to the handicap spot. She said yes and shared a slew of things. I prayer for her and a family who just lost a loved one. It was a great time to connect and I left to go in to the store. Once in the store an older gentleman sitting down near the pharmacy stood out to me – he looked to be in serious pain. I went to grab stuff with my boys and when we hit the aisle, he was there again. I asked him what was wrong (earlier in the day a friend of mine and I had prayed for words from the Lord and one was bad right ankle). He stated his right ankle was in a lot of pain and he just woke up with it like this. I prayed for him and he said the pain felt like a bit less. I prayed again and blessed him and we parted ways. As my boys and I continued through the store we noticed a lady in a scooter and she was with the guy we prayed for. So I went and asked her what was going on and she had a hairline fracture in her right knee. So I prayed for that and blessed her. We talked about how glorious Jesus is, but she didn’t try to move her leg much. I ended up thanking them and leaving. As we were leaving, the cashier looked familiar and she was a woman I prayed for a month ago – specifically about her friend and her job. I asked how that was going and she said that she had a praise report that her friend was still working and doing well. Praise Jesus! After…we left!

February 2018 Testimonies


Hit streets praying for folks. Prayed and blessed many people! Here are some highlights:

Paul – Painful feet of 9 and prayed for pain to leave and all pain left. He felt the presence of God upon him, as well. This was a fun and powerful event!

Brenda – Painful feet, legs, and other body parts – we prayed for her and much of her pain left. She had feet where the bones were malformed – we prayed for her bones to become aligned, but we were unable to confirm the changes at the time. She loves Jesus, too, and it was a wonderful time spent ministering to her.


Been a wonderful last few days. How can it not – even when you fall, Father has you in His hand!

Recent testimonies…this past weekend a group of 4 went out to have some fellowship time and to have a treasure hunt. I spoke about a treasure hunt before – this was extra fun as 2 people in the group were pretty new to this. So some of the highlights were:

Woman with large vest of the color red (red was word we received), who was standing near bananas (I had to pick up bananas). Prayed for her son and friend who had emotional issues (another set of words) and family relationship to be healed and restored. Powerful encounter with this woman. Some others were we had man with mustache in blue jacket. We saw 2 men that met this description – first man did not want prayer and the 2nd asked us to pray for his sister in law who had cancer, so we did. One other friend in the group had a picture of a man with a red beard – he ended up seeing the person the next day at church (first time he had ever seen him). Man said he was drawn to church and came forth to be saved and also received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Outside of this, we prayed for one another – one friend had back and neck pain of 9 on scale of 1-10 – his pain was gone. Another had hip and shoulder and his pain left. Looked like one leg was longer than the other, and while we prayed for this, we did not see an immediate change – we have in the past with others.

In addition, Monday we prayed for a friend (Rich) who broke his left toe nearest his big toe. I guess it was a spiral fracture and he was wearing a boot. We prayed twice (after first time he regained some movement, but the toe was still stiff and tender) and his toe was good to go – praise Jesus!

January 2018 Testimonies


Today I went out to find people to pray for healing for. Took somebody that has never been out before. First few people we encountered did not let us pray so we blessed them and kept going. Found someone sitting and went up and told him we were out praying for people and asked if he needed any healing. He stated he had pain in his leg and knee that he twisted earlier in week. I asked what his pain level was on scale of 1-10. He said about an 8. I prayed and asked him to check it out and see how pain was. He said it improved and I prayed again. He said it was gone so we praised God and I spoke to him on Gods love and he was silent. We blessed him and walked away. Went walking around the city and got turned down more. Had a guy that we asked to pray he said he recently lost an aunt so we prayed for that. He was very resistant to God stating he grew up in church and knew the story but wanted nothing to do with Jesus. We told him Jesus loved him and yeah and we left. Walking back to car we saw a couple of guys one with walker and one with cane. Asked them if we could pray one said yes for sobriety I wanna be sober. Prayed for that and he said he didn’t have an ear drum in one ear so we prayed for that and didn’t see any manifestation of healing but the guy himself said “maybe it will happen tonight when I’m sleeping!” I was excited and said yes and when it does remember Jesus did that. I hugged him and we went home. Great night and God did more than we saw! Seeds were planted and His Love was spread! Praise Jesus!

January 23, 2018

Everyday is a powerful and remarkable day in the Lord. We have seasons in life, but our God will never leave nor forsake us! Have some testimonies from yesterday:

Had a number of folks we prayed for tonight – especially notable were all the spot on words of knowledge that Holy Spirit dropped on the ministering team. So many people were touched in powerful ways by the Lord’s love. Had one older man who we prayed for who had multiple back surgeries. His pain was an 8 when he came in and he left with 0 pain – we prayed twice for him. There were other things we also prayed for, but we were not able to gauge the change right then.

Did a treasure hunt with a friend who had not gone out to do this before . For those interested in what this is, see the following http://www.christiangrowthnetwork.com/treasurehunt.html for more details. Some of the words that we went to search for were


When we walked in to the local Walmart, we veered straight towards automotive before hitting my friends shopping list for actual food he needed. I looked down an aisle and saw a young girl with a yellow purse! We walked up and I explained what we were doing and proceeded to tell her that God sees her and loves her and wanted her to know He is real and interested in her life and all facets of it. Her name is Heaven!
The Mom was excited and I think the young girl was nervous – we proceeded to bless them and then left. We then walked to get the items my friend had and saw a couple of guys in the scooters so I walked up to them to see what might be going on there. The one young man said he was lazy and in good health – so I blessed him and told Him Jesus loves him. After we got all the items my friend needed we walked around the store again – by the automotive section I saw a young man with a bandage on his arm so we went up and asked and then prayed for him. He was trying to see if there was a difference, but had no pain before or after so we blessed them and left.

Love these events where you can go out and minister to others and have fun with Holy Spirit in the normal day to day matters of life. Lifestyle Christianity! Praise the Lord!

1/22/18 and Testimony

Been a while since I wrote…yesterday a series of remarkable events took place (they do everyday if you’re looking for Him), but this is some of what took place:

Here is a run down of the first. A friend and I will periodically share words of knowledge with one another in order to use as a treasure hunt to find people who meet the descriptions we sense comes to us from the Lord. So yesterday, my friend sent me a list of things in text at around 7am. In it were diabetes and sleeping issues – amongst a few other items. So I kind of forgot about the list and went to worship at the local meting place and kept hearing diabetes ring in my head. I thought, oh yeah, that was one of the words my friend shared with me earlier. So I felt like it was for the couple behind me, maybe the woman, but I wasn’t sure. I waited until after service and approached them and asked if diabetes made any sense to them. The woman lit up and said ‘I have diabetes’ I then explained how this came up and why I was asking and then prayed for the diabetes to leave and for her to be made well. As we talked more, I mentioned sleep apnea as another item and they both responded – so we prayed for that as well – and for their lungs to be made well and health restored for a restful night. We parted ways and then I kept hearing mouth pain – so I shared the testimony with my friend and asked him to keep an eye open for anyone with mouth pain. The day started to dwindle along and I forgot about it, until…

Another friend send a text to a group of us and mentioned how a woman he knew who is battling cancer also had severe mouth pain and thought it might be associated with the cancer. So I responded to him and explained the word I received and I was eager to pray with her over the phone (not that this is necessary, but I try to take advantage of face to face or audio conversations when possible). They were also Christian’s but not terribly familiar with ministry of Holy Spirit. We prayed on the phone and it was hard for me to gauge if there was an immediate change with her mouth – but she has an appointment on Tuesday and I am hopeful that things will go well!

Lastly, during service an aunt-in-law of mine messaged me to receive prayer for her congestion she was dealing with. I sent a prayer over text and then got a picture/vision in my mind of her putting her one hand on her chest and another on her head by her nose and felt that she needed to declare healing over herself. She reported back that immediately her sinuses were clearing up and she had a rush of warmth over her head and chest – I see these manifestations of the Holy Spirit often when praying for people, but not all the time – so I don’t use it as a gauge as to whether He is at work – He is always working. She did have some remnants of clearing up to do and it gradually cleared up more.

For those who believe, don’t ignore the inner notions in your heart. God speaks to us in many ways and He is speaking to you now!

Bless you all!